Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning I woke up to a little voice whispering "Wake up ryry, SANTA CAME!" Zoey was so excited to see if Santa ate the cookies we left out for him the night before. :) It's so fun playing Santa. Dust and I ate a bit more than what was on Santa's plate though. Our family always hands out all the presents for each person so they have a stack in front of them, then we start with the youngest to the oldest each open one present at a time. After presents mom always makes the xmas egg and sausage mcmuffins. Very delicious. The rest of the day is spent enjoying gifts and family company along with a little competitive card games. I gave Zoey a princess hair accessory set. She showed me how much she liked it by doing my hair for the day. It looks so much better now. :)
Dust and I got each other zip up hoodies and had to show how bad ass we look in them. We haven't took them off all morning.
It was a great morning . There was only one thing missing...... My beautiful girlfriend Vanessa. :( Who was very very far away in Michigan visiting her family. Don't get me wrong I'm happy that she is getting to see her family but I still can't help the fact that I really want her here.
Later that night dust, jake, and I decided we should build some sort of monstrosity out of snow in jewels front yard. None of us brought boots so we had to construct our own out of Maceys grocery bags. :) They actually worked very well. We ventured out into the bitter cold to build our snowman, which turned out to be a huge skull. What else would you expect from me and dust? We had to use dads fourwheeler to push snow into a huge pile. It took us a good hour or more to build but it still needs some work. We got a little cold and tired so we called it quits for the night.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

New art for sale

I've started using paint markers more in my art. I'm not sure why I'm drawing flowers now. It's a huge jump from skulls and evil shit, but there's something about nature and plants that really intrigues me. These are my latest pieces. let me kn
ow what you think. They're also available to purchase. 12"x24" $50 each.

Temple square lights

Friday night Vanessa and I drove up to Temple Square in Salt Lake to see the lights. I brought some hot chocolate along to keep us warm but Vanessa was still cold, crazy a girl....cold?! :) While walking around we noticed a Christmas concert going on inside the old Tabernacle. We decided to go check it out. It was a high school choir from Idaho. They sounded amazing. The inside of the Tabernacle was beautiful. I love old structures like that. After the concert we were starving so we walked a couple blocks to Olive garden. You really can't beat their bread sticks. While we were waiting to be seated my cousin Jared walked in with his wife. It's so weird running into people you know so far from home. All in all the night was very fun. It was nice and relaxing getting out of Utah county and spending some quality time with Vanessa.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First time

I thought I'd give in and try out blogging. Everyone else is doing it. :)
I don't even know where the hell to begin. I'm doing this mostly for my family to be able to check in on what I'm up to. Also to try and promote my art as it progresses into what I want it to be. Any suggestions please feel free to let me know... about my art or how I'm blogging..... :).