Friday, April 10, 2009

Our high end poker table

This is my personal table I built that we will sell ones like it for $600. Vinyl covered foam arm rest, 6'' Oak racetrack, 3'' silver cup holder inserts, stain resistant navy blue suited speed felt, dealer position w/chip tray, money slot and plunger with lock box mounted under the table and folding legs for easy storage. Definitely my favorite table I've seen or built yet! :)


  1. Awesome table dude! Very nice work. Wish I was in the market for one.

  2. Wow, what an amazing table. You and Dustin do great work.

  3. you guys are really good at that! if i ever find someone in the market for one i will give them your name!

  4. This is even nicer in person. Way to go guys. and I love the little pink one.
